:Different Updates

Product Update: How’s my takeover going?

Published 20th June 2021Updated 6th April 2023

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Finally, a switching experience that’s truly “hands-off!” Say goodbye to back-and-forth emails and out of office replies, our in-app updates have you covered.

When it comes to changing property managers, it’s not as difficult as you might think, in fact, it’s a common misconception that you have to wait until the end of the contract to switch. Landlords can usually change real-estate agents at any point during the agreement with a property manager. Once you’ve decided to switch, however, is where things can (sometimes) get tricky.

From our experience with owners, the takeover experience (when switching from one property manager to another) can be a confusing time. What’s happening with my tenants? Do you have all the bills you need to pay? Will my rent be paid on time? 

We get it, visibility is important, and none so much as when you’re going through this delicate transition.

That is why we have built better visibility in the Owner App to keep owners informed every step of the way through the takeover period. 

“Owners don’t know what’s happening with their takeover. Currently, they rely on manual emails from our team. This feature will give Owners immediate visibility on what’s going on.”

Mina Radhakrishnan - Co-Founder

Instead of having to rely on back-and-forth emails or playing phone tag with your property manager, :Different owners can now simply login to their Owner App and check the live status of their takeover. This allows you to keep track of where your file is, how your tenants are doing and if you’re needed for anything. Simple!

Let’s have a look at the various statuses you might see in your app and what they mean.

1) Confirming

As soon as you sign your contract our team kickstarts the takeover process. To begin with, we reach out to your previous property manager and handle the awkward breakup. This is when we request your files and can begin the transfer over to :Different.

2) Confirmed

Success! We have arranged a date that works for us and your previous property manager to pick up your files and organise the handover. At this stage we will also reach out to you to give you an update on the process.

3) Scheduled

We're truly on our way. The file handover has been scheduled, the team are getting ready to look after your property and your tenants and you can expect a call soon to talk next steps and get you ready!

4) Waiting

Patience... everything has been handled on our end and now we have to sit back and wait until your official transfer date. There is nothing needed of you during this time but we are here to talk if you have any questions.

5) Received

The day has come and we have successfully picked up your file. The team will be working behind the scenes to get everything uploaded onto our system and we'll be updating you once this is done.

Get the Owner App advantage with :Different

Know what's happening with your property in real-time, thanks to our Owner App. Combined with our world-class team of experts, every :Different owner (and their tenants!) enjoy proactive property management services from a dedicated team.

Learn more about the Owner App

6) Needs info

In the process of uploading all your files into our system, we have come across something that doesn't look right - it could be an inconsistent piece of info, something could be missing or we could just have a follow-up question. We want to make sure everything is accurate so we'll be liaising with your previous property manager to ensure everything is in order.

7) Tenants added

We're finally ready to meet your tenants! To ensure they have the most seamless switching experience possible and are set up correctly, our Tenant Onboarding Team will reach out to them for an intro call and will set them up with our Tenant App. Your Owner App will also start looking a bit more exciting as we will upload your information and docs into the app!

8) Finalising

This phase is just to let you know that we are still working hard behind the scenes to ensure we have everything in order for your takeover to be successful. Our Takeovers Team is highly experienced at what they do and we wait on their expert call to give the green light that we're finished with your takeover.

9) QA

Hmm.. Something isn't looking quite right and we need a little bit more time to figure it out. No need to stress! This is just to let you know that we are still actively working on your takeover and perhaps might be looking for a bit more info to finalise the process.

10) Completed

Woo hoo! We made it. Thanks to you, your tenants, your previous property manager and our hardworking Takeovers Team we have successfully completed the Takeover and your property (and tenants) have been officially onboarded to :Different. We politely request a survey at this time as we are continuously looking to improve our onboarding experience and love to hear from our owners. We actively and consciously listen to all feedback from our tenants and owners and use it to improve the experience we provide.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for general informational purposes only. All information is provided in good faith; however, we do not account for specific situations, facts or circumstances. As such, we make no representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information presented.

This blog may also contain links to other sites or content belonging to or originating from third parties. We do not investigate or monitor such external links for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness, and therefore, we shall not be liable and/or held responsible for any information contained therein.

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