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Couple tours investment home with manager amidst fluctuating Australian property prices & investment property interest rates. Woman uneasy, man collected.
Real Estate NewsWhat Declining Property Prices and Rising Interest Rates Mean for Investors in 2023
Investors will face two key challenges in 2023: increasing interest rates and declining property prices. Consistent market fluctuations throughout 2022 meant investment avenues were repeatedly coming up hot and cold. Although financial experts agree that the rate of change is gradually slowing down, investors would do well to keep a tab on these two ripple-effect triggers in the future.
An image of a container home with a view
Property InvestingWhat Are Flat Pack Homes, and Should You Invest In One?
view of Sydney Harbour
Real Estate NewsHere's The Real Estate Forecast For The Next Five Years In Australia
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Couple tours investment home with manager amidst fluctuating Australian property prices & investment property interest rates. Woman uneasy, man collected.
Real Estate NewsWhat Declining Property Prices and Rising Interest Rates Mean for Investors in 2023
A property insurance expert explaining the importance of property insurance to a couple
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A landlord standing in front of his investment property
Property ManagementAustralian Landlord Rights Explained
A landlord making a list of things she can do to keep her tenants happy during the holiday season
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Property InvestingBest Suburbs To Invest in Australia as a Foreigner
A young carefree couple enjoying time at a park
Property InvestingShould You Invest in Real Estate?
Australian real estate | :Different
Property InvestingInsights into the 2022 Australian Property Market Bubble
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A senior couple smiling because they used their super to buy a house
Property FinanceCan I Use My Super To Buy A House?
A happy family with the prospect of paying of their loan in 5 years
Property FinanceHere's How To Pay Off Your Home Loan In 5 Years
a family excited about their new home secured by a home loan
Property Finance8 Types Of Home Loans & What's Best For You

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