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4 ways :Different uses technology to improve property management

Published 13th January 2018Updated 18th April 2023

property investor using property management software
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Here at :Different, we’re addressing common issues within the Australian property investment market and creating the best property management solution for everyone involved. We’ve blended custom-built unique technology and great service to help owners and tenants alike.

We pride ourselves not only on our award winning agents, but also our unique blend of time-saving tech tools, so we thought we’d take the time to elaborate on why our take on property management is as successful as it's proving to be.

1. 24/7 Owner Portal and Owner App

Once you become a :Different customer, you instantly get access to your own dedicated Owner App, where you can access key documents and get notifications in real time whenever you need to check something. We’re always available, right in the palm of your hand.

On the other end, your tenants also get their own Tenant App to help them manage their tenancy in real-time as well. All in all, we’ve found that improving communication greatly reduces any issues.

2. Patented maintenance provider selection

One of our most exciting technological advances is our patented property maintenance provider selection software. While our agents manually review all requests to ensure a human touch, we use our patented software to determine what’s appropriate with your property.

Once approved by you, our tradesperson selection system then finds the best person for the job from our high quality directory. After hundreds of maintenance requests and working with dozens of service providers, our software can match the most accurate provider and handle all the messaging, hiring and coordination without you lifting a finger. We track every job across 10+ performance criteria so our system is always up to date and objectively choosing the right person.

"Our tradesperson selection system then finds the best person for the job from our high quality directory"

3. Rent payment/collection apps

We know why you’re investing in property. You want to plan for the future and take care of your family, and you need on-time rent payments to be successful at that. As our main goal is to simplify the entire property management process, we realise the importance of payment processing.

Our direct debit system is set up as soon as we receive your tenant’s contact information. From there, we’ll automatically monitor the accounts, and instantly follow up on the rare delays. You receive clear, up-to-date monthly statements that you can access 24/7 through your owner portal and app.

4. 360 video inspections

Can’t make your inspections in person? We get it. Our agents are equipped with state-of-the-art 360 cameras which they use to give you an incredibly accurate picture of the state of your property.  Our inspections are automatically scheduled. We compare each inspection to the last report, and provide comprehensive descriptions, videos and 360 photos to make you feel like you’re there. Your :Different inspections will leave you with a sense of ease because you know exactly what’s going on with your investment.

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